Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Just an update...

Well, I have no comix to show you this time. :*(

But not to fear! I promise that I'll have some done before the month is over! <:*) What I have been working on however, is a game- "Crash of the Mini Serials" (I'll get a pic of the menu later) It's just something I'm working on, because I'm dead sick of that stupid J.D.C. game that I've tested about 500 times. (BLECH) >_<

More like... "Making of a Moron"

And I should be working on this game... "Chibi Hunter"

But this is the game I'm working on now...

OK, now normally Kade wouldn't be punching Random or anything, but the game is still in the "developing" process. In this game,
you can choose which side you'll be on: (2 player game)
Star Scape or Code: Axiom. You'll battle your way through
(unknown number) of levels playing with your team
to see who's really the most 'swellerest' of the two mini serials.

I'm not planning on being done with game for quite some time-
so, until I finish SSROTU this game isn't gunna be here anytime soon.

I'll update ASAP when I can!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fun with C.A.

I've decided to work on 'Code: Axiom', just for fun-
I completed the series in 2007 and out of curiosity, I wondered
what they would look like today. I was 13 when I first created it, and
finished it when I was 14.

Soo... just for the heck of it, I wanted to try and draw them again,
(holy cow, it's been awhile!) I took some of the old comix and re-drew them...

Here's one of the old ones... :P

*******************************La` new ones******************************

Yeah, the old ones didn't looks so swell,
(it would be easier for you to compare them if I
had coloured the old one in. But I am waaaaay too lazy.)
I plan on doing a 3rd one; just because it was fun to try and "remake" them.
I did 2 types of shading on the comix, the top coloured-in
one is done with smooth shading;
and the bottom one is done with dot shading.
(It kinda gives it that 1940's Superman comic book look-

not that you can see it very well. :P)

Saturday, February 7, 2009


Hey all, this blog is generally for some comix series I draw-
I'll update for some new ideas I might have, comic series, or just random comix I will post every now and then.