Saturday, February 14, 2009

Fun with C.A.

I've decided to work on 'Code: Axiom', just for fun-
I completed the series in 2007 and out of curiosity, I wondered
what they would look like today. I was 13 when I first created it, and
finished it when I was 14.

Soo... just for the heck of it, I wanted to try and draw them again,
(holy cow, it's been awhile!) I took some of the old comix and re-drew them...

Here's one of the old ones... :P

*******************************La` new ones******************************

Yeah, the old ones didn't looks so swell,
(it would be easier for you to compare them if I
had coloured the old one in. But I am waaaaay too lazy.)
I plan on doing a 3rd one; just because it was fun to try and "remake" them.
I did 2 types of shading on the comix, the top coloured-in
one is done with smooth shading;
and the bottom one is done with dot shading.
(It kinda gives it that 1940's Superman comic book look-

not that you can see it very well. :P)

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